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Recital Attendance and Performance Class are co-requisite components of private lesson study in the music program at MSU Denver.
All convocations meet from 2:30 – 3:20 in the King Center Recital Hall or Concert Hall.
All students are required to attend these convocation dates, regardless of performance class instrument area.
The Introductory Convocation on Wednesday, January 22 does not count for Recital Attendance credit as it is not a recital but an informational meeting covering Performance Class, Private Lessons, Ensembles, Practice Rooms, Lockers, Scholarships, Student Organizations, and other resources for Music Department students.
All students must enroll in MUS 0020 Recital Attendance every semester they are enrolled in private lessons until they have completed the required number of semesters stipulated by their degree program. Students will automatically be enrolled in MUS 0020 when they are enrolled in private lessons by the Music Department. For students taking elective lessons who have met the Recital Attendance requirement for their degree program, it is the responsibility of the student to drop MUS 0020 from their schedule.
There are two types of Recital Attendance Events: Convocations, and Eligible Music Department Events.
Students must attend six (6) Convocations held throughout the semester and an additional four (4) Eligible Music Department Events in order to receive a grade of Satisfactory for the semester.
Convocations are built into your schedule as MUS 0020 Recital Attendance, M/W 2:30-3:20 pm, but are only held on six (6) specific dates throughout the semester. (The introductory convocation held on the first day of classes does not count for attendance credit.)
All convocations are held in the King Center Concert or Recital Hall, and may consist of student or faculty performances, or workshops.
Since this timeframe is built into your schedule, attendance at all six (6) convocations is a requirement.
Most events held by the Music Department are eligible for Recital Attendance. Junior and Senior Recitals are not eligible for Recital Attendance. Students in their first semester of private instruction at MSU Denver may also attend up to three Music Department Orientations for Recital Attendance credit.
Students may view the full list of eligible Music Department events in their MUS 0020 Canvas course under the module Recital Attendance Events. Events that are eligible for all students are in bold text on the Music Department Event Calendar.
To pass Recital Attendance, you must attend at least four (4) of these events in addition to your six convocations.
All students enrolled in private instruction must attend the weekly Performance Class for their primary instrument area. The meeting times and locations for each instrument area are:
Mondays, 2:30 – 3:20 pm
Jazz: Kalamath Building
Classical Guitar: King Center Music & Dance Studio
Brass: King Center Concert Hall
Classical Piano: King Center Recital Hall
Wednesdays, 2:30 – 3:20 pm
Woodwinds: King Center Recital Hall
Classical Voice: Arts 293
Percussion: King Center Music & Dance Studio
Strings: King Center Concert Hall
Fridays, 1:00 – 1:50 pm
Composition: King Center 208
There are seven dates throughout the semester in which a Recital Attendance Convocation occurs in place of either the Monday or Wednesday Performance Class. Students in ALL instrument areas are required to attend the convocations. Dates for Convocations are emailed to students prior to the start of the semester.
Each studio teacher will keep attendance records. Tardiness, leaving early, and/or excessive absences can affect the student’s final grade for private instruction and may prevent advancement to the next level of instruction.
Students studying in more than one private lesson area should attend the performance class for their primary performance area on the first scheduled meeting and consult with their area coordinator about remaining performance classes.
Students with questions about performance class should contact their instrument area coordinator.
Brass/Percussion: Michael Hengst,
Composition: Cherise Leiter,
Classical Guitar: Alex Komodore,
Jazz: Dawn Clement,
Classical Piano: Jooeun Pak,
Strings: Philip Ficsor,
Classical Voice: Bradley Thompson,
Woodwinds: Patricia Surman,
If you are enrolled in private lessons, MUS 0020 Recital Attendance is built into your schedule at the same time that your Performance Class meets, depending on your primary instrument area.
Monday Performance Classes, 2:30 – 3:20 pm
All Jazz Instruments, Classical Guitar, Classical Piano, Brass
Wednesday Performance Classes, 2:30 – 3:20 pm
Woodwinds, Classical & Musical Theatre Voice, Percussion, Strings
What does this mean for you? It means that most weeks you will attend your instrument area performance class either on Monday or Wednesday. However, on the six dates throughout the semester when a Convocation is held, students from ALL instrument areas must attend the Convocation; the Performance Classes that meet on that day are not held.
For example: If you are in the Jazz area and meet for Performance Class every Monday 2:30-3:20 pm, you will mostly have free time built into your schedule on Wednesdays 2:30-3:20 pm. Except for on the Convocation dates listed above. On the Convocation dates held on Mondays, your Jazz Performance Class would not be held that week. You would instead attend the Convocation on Monday, and have the same free time Wednesday. When a Convocation date falls on a Wednesday, you would attend your Jazz Performance Class on Monday, and also have to attend the Convocation on Wednesday.
If you cannot attend a Convocation due to illness or some other extenuating circumstance, please email Christine Devine ( to arrange a make-up option.
If it is a Convocation, the answer is yes, you will receive Convocation attendance credit if you are performing.
For any other event, the answer is no; only attendees receive attendance credit.
Students working as stagehands, ushers, or page-turners do receive attendance credit and should turn in an attendance slip.
Convocation performances are required for students pursuing performance degrees. Students who are required to perform are assigned to performance dates by their instrument area coordinator. Prior to performing on a Convocation, students must fill out the Recital Attendance Convocation Performance Request to provide program information and set-up needs for their performance.
For more information about performing on a Recital Attendance Convocation, contact MB Krueger at